RVIZ visualization of a tendon driven continuum robot

RVIZ visualization of a tendon driven continuum robot

Research Task at Robotics, Mechatronics, and Automation Laboratory (RMAL), TMU Aug. 2021 - Sep. 2021 Supervisor: Prof. Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi

Table of Contents


  • In the given project, a tendon driven continuum robot is visualized in RViz with the help of floating joints.

  • The Piecewise constant curvature method is used to model the compliant nature of continuum robot.

  • Piecewise Constant Curvature Method

    PCC method approximates the continuum robot as a series of substitutions applied to a modified homogenous transformation matrix computed using a D-H-type approach.

    This formulation also relies on the assumption that the trunk bends with constant curvature, due to the compliance of the trunk. The rotation matrix calculated using the above process is given by -

    PCC Tranformation Matrix obtained using PCC Method

    RVIZ Visualization

    Communication of nodes in ROS is shown in the below flowchart -

    Flow ROS Workflow used for visualization

    The change in shape of the tendon driven robot while moving between two coordinates

    RVIZ Visualization of Tendon driven continuum robot using RVIZ