Research Intern at Mechatronics Laboratory, IIT Delhi Aug. 2021 - Apr. 2022 Supervisor: Prof. S.K. Saha and Prof. S.P. Singh
Table of Contents
Wheelset hunting is a common instability caused due to curved profile of wheels and rails. During hunting, sustained periodic oscillations of wheelset are observed, which causes excessive vibration, and derailment.
A Graphical User Interface (GUI), specific to hunting analysis will allow engineers, and researchers to efficiently perform design studies on a railway carbody.
Therefore, in this work, we have developed a GUI using MATLAB's App Designer called Railhunt.
System Architecture of Railhunt
Railhunt is designed in several stages which allows the users to systematically understand the hunting analysis
There are mainly three stages, Pre Processor (input and visualize the railway carbody system), Processor (For selecting the parameter, whose effect on hunting stability are to be studied) and Post Processor (Display the simulation results).

User Guide
Machine specifications
- CPU: Intel Core i5 8th Gen
- RAM: 8GB
Dev Environment
- Test passed : matlab-2021a/matlab-2020a
- Toolbox used
- App Designer Toolbox
How to run
Download all the MATLAB files and Datasets. To test the GUI, run Hunting_UI.mlapp
. A complete demo on how to use the GUI, please refer to Demo
Folder Structure
├── Continuous_operation # (matlab) implemented algorithms about continuous operation
├── Initialization # (matlab) implemented algorithms about initialization
├── utils # (matlab) utility function for data processing and visualization in the pipeline
├── eval_notebook # (python) scripts to evaluate performance between different methods
├── main_BA.m # (matlab) script to demonstrate implemented method with bundle adjustment on `parking` data
├── main_demo.m # (matlab) script to demonstrate implemented method without bundle adjustment for every dataset
├── Hunting_UI.mlapp # (GUI) AppDesigner file to run Railhunt
├── TRAINS # (folder) containing xml files for loading railway carbody parameters
├── gifs # demonstration gifs
├── ...