Trapezoidal Time Based Task Space Planning

Complete Analysis of 6DOF Industrial Manipulator

Trapezoidal Time Based Task Space Planning

Complete Analysis of 6DOF Industrial Manipulator

Undergraduate Project Apr 2021 - Jun 2022

Table of Contents


  • In this work, we will focus on solving the forward and inverse kinematics of a 6DOF industrial manipulator using DH parameter notation and Euler Method respectively.

  • The calculations are then validated using the Robotics Toolbox in MATLAB and RoboAnalyzer software.

  • Similarly trajectory planning is performed in Joint and Task space using different time scaling method like Trapezoidal, Cubic and Quintic methods.

  • Robot Design

    IRB-6620 industrial manipulator was used for analysis. IRB-6620 is a 6 Degree-of-Freedon (DoF) robot containing 6 revolute joints. To model the robot using the robotics Toolbox in MATLAB, the following DH parameters are used -

    Anytime_Repairing DH parameters used for IRB-6620 Manipulator

    Kinematic Analysis

    Starting with Forward Kinematics, DH convention was followed to create the transformation matrices. The final tranformation matrix of end effector is shown below -

    Forward Kinematics Analytical Solution of Forward Kinematics

    Following that Inverse Kinematics is performed using the Pieper's approach in which the calculation is split into two separate problems - the first three, and the last three joints as shown below -

    Inverse Kinematics Algebric Solution of Inverse Kinematics

    Dynamic Analysis

    Before starting with the Dynamic Analysis, static velocities are calculated by defining the Jacobian Matrix of the robot.

    Followed by that, we use MATLAB's Robotics Toolbox to calculate the inverse dynamics of the robot. In MATLAB inverseDynamics() function is used to calculate joint torque.

    Results for a given initial and final configuration are shown -

    Inverse Dynamics Torque values for joints while the robot moves between start and goal configuration

    Analysis Report

    The complete Report containing the Kinematic and Dynamic Analysis -

    Trajectory Planning

    Trajectory planning using different time scaling methods are performed in MATLAB. Also a comparison between task and joint space planning is done, difference of which is shown -

    TPlanning Difference between Joint Space and Task Space trajectory planning

    CubicJoint Joint Space Planning using Cubic Time Scaling

    The complete Report containing the Trajectory planning analysis is shown -